Online Diagnosis Doctor
There are sites online through which you can get a professional opinion regarding symptoms that you've encountered. Often times doctors work through a chat plug-in that enables you to speak directly with a licensed medical practitioner. An online diagnosis doctor offers speedy results that will lead you to know, beyond any reasonable doubt, what condition may be afflicting you. Medical referrals can sometimes be made through doctors online and if you need further assistance, the professional on the other end of the chat line will be able to direct you to the nearest specialist in your area for your condition. Often times, a physical helps tremendously.
On and Offline Prognosis
While it may seem difficult to tell online whether a person is predisposed to diabetes or liver problems, medical history charts and the information provided by the client allow many of the free and paid “Ask a Doctor” sites to thrive and diagnose. Prognosis, (the prediction of how a disease or illness will progress) will vary depending on how quickly you get prescribed and begin taking medication as a treatment to whatever ails you.
Online sites may sometimes offer prescription pills in the US without a prescription, but don’t be fooled – your local physician is there to help track and follow your treatment. If you wind up being allergic to a drug you buy online you could wind up dead within hours after taking it. Only a licensed doctor can prescribe you controlled medication. Trust sites that offer over-the-counter medication and holistic remedies for illnesses from which you suffer.
Sites Offering Self-Diagnosis
There are plenty of sites that contain medical information but sifting through it to get an effective diagnosis is a specialty for some sites. If you’re experiencing noticeable symptoms and have recorded their onset, frequency and severity, the following sites are great tools that you can use to hone in on the probable issue behind your symptoms:
- WebMD.com
- YourDiagnosis.com
- FamilyDoctor.org
- Doctors-Pro.com
- DigitalNaturopath.com
By going through the steps requested on any of these sites you’ll need to identify your:
- medical background – Questions include, “Have you or anyone in your family had diabetes?”, etc.
- age – Certain age brackets are pre-disposed to certain diseases.
- Weight – Especially in organ issues relating to the heart, liver and lungs, weight can be a major factor. It also attributes to joint problems and early arthritis.
- Height – Height is a determining factor in the Body Mass Index.
- current and former medications – This is to get an idea of what treatments have and haven’t worked – also to prevent against reactions between medications.
- allergies – If you’re allergic to medications, plants, or anything that may potentially be in medication, let your doctor know ahead of time.
Getting the Most Out of Self-Diagnosis
If you’re experiencing new symptoms, you need a diagnosis. Online self-diagnosis is quick and efficient. Always print your results and find a local doctor either at a free clinic or approved by your medical carrier. This will allow for a physical test and a solid, verified diagnosis.